When you and your student start thinking about creating a welcoming, inspiring area for their online studies, keep this adage in mind: A place for everything, and everything in its place.
Your student will spend a lot of time there, and how it’s organized will have an impact on their attitude and comfort, both of which support the learning experience. An appealing, student-centric environment stokes kids’ enthusiasm every time they sit down and turn on the computer.
Putting together a space in which there is "a place for everything” begins with a checklist of what you’ll need:
- A desk and chair that fit your student (that is ergonomically correct) and will accommodate a computer and peripherals, a desk organizer for pens and pencils, and a lamp (more on lighting later).
- Bookshelves and storage bins for books, work folders, and school supplies.
- A system for color-coding folders and binders by subject. You’ll also want a scheme for organizing computer files and folders.
- A hang-up shoe organizer for storing flashcards, stickers, pencils, pens, and highlighters, calculators, sticky notes, scissors, rulers, and more.
- A dry-erase board for brainstorming and a wall calendar for planning.
You’ll come with more ideas for the list as you and your student plan it out. This stage is also a good time to remind your student to de-clutter the school at home setup regularly. Keeping “everything in its place” makes it easy to find things instead of rummaging around for them.